Tom Zimmer
Does anyone know what Audiometry is?
A few years ago, I worked on a project to design a new audiometer. An audiometer is a device that is used for hearing testing. The company I did this work for was called Tremetrics, and they were a leader in the area of hearing testing. Lots of people need to get their hearing tested annually, because they work in a job that subjects them to loud noises, like machine shops, or factories. Anyway, my part in the project was to select the computer hardware, and write the software that was used to control the audiometer.
I selected a small computer card based on the StrongARM processor, and I selected the Java computer language because it was good at graphics and such. Anohter person wrote the firmware to actually control the audiometry test hardware, my job was to create the GUI, handle user input, monitor test operation, and log results in a small database.
The finished product turned out very nicely, and was controlled through a touch screen interface with a 10.4 inch full color display. I really enjoyed working on this project, and I hope the products gets used for many years.

Here are the pictures of the product brochure, you can click on them to see a full size page.
The President's Points - Looking Forward, Looking Back
As I write this, in December, I am look forward to what the future holds for New Life Riders in 2006. This will be an exciting year for me, we have several new members, and it is always good to have new blood, kind of like a transfusion, it puts some new kick in the (old?) mule. Looking back to the events of 2005, some of our members health problems have been resolved, though not all. We rejoice with Janice that her long ordeal is behind her and we appreciate the great newsletters she produces. Phil has been doing better recently, the strokes have subsided for now, as he keeps pressing forward toward the goal. Paula and Randy still struggle with health and financial issues, but are always generous and supporting, thank God Randy is a good hunter, and thank you Paula for keeping on top of our email tree and prayer needs. Doug bought a new house and has a new job that holds the promise of more flexible hours. George's health is doing much better. Susan has a Trike now, and if the weather will cooporate, she can get used to riding it. Kelly found and is in contact with her birth mother, I can hardly imagine how life changing that is. Lin retired, and is still as busy as ever. We had a great Christmas party in December, and we delivered a huge food basket and some gift cards to a needy family as part of UCOA (United Clubs Of Austin). I have gone through two re-organizations at work, and I was asked to hold the position of Chaplain for UCOA. We worked for months to get setup to go into the Georgetown Teen Dention Center, and that work is paying off, Bill Brunson and Scotty have been trained, and Scotty and Janice have actually completed their first visit to the facility. More of our members will be trained in '06, and will be able to go in as well. It is not a war of flesh and blood we fight, but a spiritual battle, but we know the Victor and He is able to do more than we can even think or imagine. To Christ be the Glory, AMEN!
Tom Zimmer
New Life Riders Food Delivery to Family for UCOA
Members of our New Life Riders CMA (Christian Motorcyclists Association) chapter delivered a Christmas food basket to a family in Austin today as part of a project organized by the morotcyclist organization UCOA (United Clubs Of Austin). We had a wonderful time praying and talking with the family. You can click on any of the pictures below to see a larger version of the picture.

I Created a Metropolis Photo Archive Blog
I created a new blog today, as an archive for photos related to the movie Metropolis by Fritz Lang. You can
CLICK HERE to see it. There are over 200 photos from around the web about Metropolis posted.
Here is a link to my most recent blog entry (on this blog) about Metropolis;
Updated Metropolis Entry
New Life Riders Christmas Party
We had our chapter Christmas party last night at the Millers, with lots of great food and socializing. I took some video, which as usual isn't too good, but you can click on the title above to see it. Here are some pictures Debbie took and one from Paula too. Click on a picture to see a larger version.

Scotty after receiving his HALO hat from Paula

Admiring the '57 Chevy

Giggling about something. whatever it was, it must have been very funny!

Bill in the middle, looking down, opening his present.

The food and sodas were great. Ho, Ho, Ho! Me in the background with the Santa hat on, and jay on the right with his Santa hat.

The boys, lined up waiting for the gift exchange.

And finally, last but not least, Janice posing beside the Christmas Tree. She dresses up real nice.
As you can see, We have a New Look Today
I have been toying with some of the blog styles available on Blogger, and found this, which is a modified version of one of the available styles. It seems that most of the styles are set up to have a fixed width, which I don't care for. I want my blog to flow to the full width of the window. So I modified this one to do that. There are problems, like, I can't use their background image to show the nice softer edges that you don't see on the left and right of this blog, but that doesn't bother me.
We Bought a New Couch

For the two days after Thanksgiving, we went shopping for a new couch. We went to four different furniture stores, and ended up purchasing a nice leather couch (pictured) at English Furniture. They custom cover furniture with whatever color of leather you want. We picked the same color as the showroom floor. It hasn't been delivered yet, but it is supposed to arrive next monday. It has two recliners, one at each end, and it should be long enough for three people to sit comfortably.
I am sure this is much more than you wanted to know about couches.
Leaving Beverly's Bar for Toy Run
A group of six our New Life Riders (CMA) chapter members went to the Austin Toy Run Sunday December 4th, we left Beverlys at 12:00 noon. The Toy run was to benefit the Helping Hand Home for Children. We each brought an unwrapped toy. There was a BBQ afterwords at Beverlys and music. The ride went to the childrens home on 38th 1/2 st.
Everyone is heading out to the children's home carrying toys for the kids to the downtown location. We were part of a very large group, and the ride was very exciting. Of course the kids were happy to see us as well. CLICK the title to watch the video, or click