Sometimes I want to Escape! - My Journey to Joy
I was lamenting recently that I am having difficulty getting enthused about getting off my butt and going out to motorcycle events. Yes, I am still committed (or perhaps someone should have me committed :-), but excitement seems to have slipped away when I wasn't looking. I know at least some of, and perhaps a lot of my lack of excitement can be attributed to my job, which has been very stressful this past year, and is showing no signs of getting less stressful. So, to dig a little deeper into this, in Philippians 4:11-13 Paul says;
"... I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances. I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. I can do everything through him who gives me strength."
Which makes me wonder "HOW DID HE DO IT!", how he learned this well kept secret. If I don't have joy, it seems I must not have learned something right just yet. Clearly all these years of my asking God to teach me, hasn't yet reached the point where He has decided to teach me this particular truth.
Then I read Paul's comments, in James 1:2-4;
"Consider it pure joy, my brothers, when you are involved in various trials, because you know that the testing of your faith produces endurance. But you must let endurance have its full effect, so that you may be mature and complete, lacking nothing."
Wow, so If I want to have joy, I have to endure trials and Like It!? Hmm... Ok, maybe I don't have to like it, but it does say I "must let endurance have its full effect", if I am to be "mature and complete, lacking nothing". So, I have to be patient (ouch), until the trials are complete, and by implication, I must NOT try to ESCAPE from the trials. Bummer, it is so much easier to run away than to stand. Well anyway, to end on positive note, I have noticed, that if I don't react too quickly when I am depressed, that soon, the depression does go away and I DO REGAIN JOY!. So in the end, the solution is precisely, specifically and exclusively about waiting on the Lord, to accomplish his plan in His timing. I know the end will be great, and I am waiting.. How about you?
Change - UCOA Message for July 16th, 2008
The church I attend has been going though a lot of change lately. The CMA chapter I am president of has also been going though a lot of change in recent months including several people being ill. UCOA has also been going through a lot of change, like the moving to our new home in the Moose Lodge. COC and TMRA II have been joined by Texas Defenders, again lot of change. Good change, but change none the less. Of course there is one thing, or person really that doesn’t change. God is the same today as He was yesterday and as he will be tomorrow. He loves us just as much today and he cares about what is happening in our lives exactly as much as he did yesterday. More even than we can imagine. Of course all the changes in our lives sometimes make it hard to see and feel His love, but if we will pause for a moment and focus on him, he will take away the stresses that fill our lives, and replace them with a joy that surpasses all understanding. And if you think you are not good enough to know Him, just remember that He is perfect so we don’t have to be. We need only ask to know him, and he will come in.
Labels: change ucoa cma tmraII coc god love joy
4TH of July Parade in Wells Branch Texas
We walked to the Wells Branch 4Th of July parade, just down the block. It was very quick this year, we actually missed the lead police cars because we were a couple of minutes late. Anyway, here are some pictures and my video of the event. Click any picture for a larger version. Click the title above for the video.

My neighbor Mark in his parade truck, complete with patriotic music!

My granddaughters Chloe and Claire who are visiting from California. Their favorite part was collecting the candy being thrown from the parade floats.
Jessica Perry is Missing

Click image for a larger version, If you have seen her, please call!
UPDATE: She has been found, alive and well!!