I came across these while cleaning
I was cleaning off a shelf, and I came across these photo copies of a newspaper article about our CMA Bike Blessing that took place at Jones Brothers Park in Jonestown TX in May 2004. I thought they were pretty neat, so I scanned them in for greater exposure.

This last photo is from the same event, taken with my camera. It is probably easier to recognize the people in this one.
Click any photo for a larger image.
Who is your Backup?
Here I sit, freeer now than I was a couple of days ago. The trauma is over, and almost forgotten. We all seem to collect stuff, and I collect as much as anyone, probably more. You see, I used to have a computer, that held all my photos, home movies, emails, etc, etc, etc. All this stuff. Now a lot of this stuff is very useful (helpful?) to have around, I had pictures and home videos going back to the mid '90s. Some pretty valuable stuff to me. Well, as you have probably guessed, a crash caused much of it to go away. Now I can hear you saying, that it serves me right, if I didn't have it backed up. Problem is, I did have a backup, a full current backup that was working perfectly. Then one day, the main, and the backup both crashed at the same time. I was doing my duty, trusting in my backup, and believing that two separate hard-drives would not both die at the same time. Well I am here to tell you that it can happen, it happened to me. Of course there is a longer story behind all this, but my point for today, is "Where are you placing your trust?". Are you trusting your backup, and is that backup trustworthy? Mine apparently wasn't. You can think of a backup like an old friend who is always there when you need him or her. As a Christian, I have a backup who is always there when I need Him. He is completely trustworthy, and will never fail me. In fact, as I look back a the circumstances that surrounded the crash, I think God may have been telling me that it was time to get rid of some stuff, some stuff that was just hanging around, stuff that I didn't really need. I do feel a lot freeer now. Who Is your backup?
Tom Zimmer
P.S. Technical background: I had two 1TB (Terra-Byte) drives in external enclosures, sitting at comfortable room temperature, that had been running without error for the past 8 months. When I turned them off to do some maintenance on another part of my system, they wouldn't come up again. Six hours of recovery effort later, I did manage to get my email back, a few (very few) of my home videos, about 70 percent of my music library and a few documents. Lets say I recovered maybe 20 GB from a drive that had about 700GB on it. The backup never gave another whimper, and the primary became progressively worse, until it was impossible to get anything else off of it. The good news, is that I had (for other reasons) done a second backup of my photos, which is now at about 55GB consisting of over 24,000 photographs. I got back what I "needed", and I lost what I didn't really need. Free indeed!
Out of Control - UCOA Message for March 12th 2008
Here I sit, at 2AM, thinking about how out of control my life is. If you are at all like me, there are lots of things about your life that you would change if you thought you could. You know, like, less stress in the job, more money in the pocket, or a car that didn't breakdown every week at just the wrong time, and on and on. Of course there are good things in my life too, but the irritating bad things seem to keep popping up and screaming at me. Sometimes I feel like I'm just a small cog in a big machine, going around and around with an ever louder squeak, getting hotter and hotter. Wishing for something to make things run more smoothly. Being a Christian of course, I have the guy with the oil can in the sky. I only need to ask for some help in cooling things down. I just wish He would smooth things out, without me having to ask all the time. I think my biggest problem, is that I have trouble accepting what He has already told me, that "All thing work together for the good, for those who love God". If that is true, then even the popping up and screaming things are for my own good. Maybe I don't have to like it, maybe I just need to keep asking for help. Maybe He wants me to remember that I am not in control, and that He is, and that all thing are working together, even when I can't see it.